Golden Handcuffs #5
The Visit Daniele Sallenave
The Passion of Phineas Gage Jesse Glass
Translating is Sexy Leslie Kaplan
The Edinburgh Mashie Dante's Foil Mark Axelrod
Reversal of Fortunes
My Little Plane Toby Olson
Grey Scale/Zukofsky John Taggart
The Enemy Below Doug Nufer
A Sentence Having Bill Evans Converse with Himself For Lydia Cabrera Cabrera
Norman Weinstein
V Lou Rowan
This Blind Grasping Karen Kelley
Transgend/Ear Stacey Levine
Section 1 of andorthe: poems within a poem Serge Gavronsky
Denmark: Thinking of John Wieners Show Your Working Kevin Nolan
Eleven Poems Hank Lazer
Afterword Rick Moody
The Mind Behind the Head Charles Stein
On Prayer, Poetry and Song (Hank Lazer) Rachel Back
Hank Lazer: An Eye for Miracles Donald Revell
In the Watermark Stain of My Little Plane (Toby Olson)
James Tierney
Interview with Toby Olson Jaclyn Cole, Jason Macey
John Taggart, Take Three Paul Naylor
Thinking with the Poem (Louis Zukofsky) Peter Quartermain
Translating Zukofsky Serge Gavronsky
A Sentence Reviewing Michael Magee's Emancipating Pragmatism Norman Weinstein
Hero of the Local: Robert Creeley and the Persistence of American Poetry Charles Bernstein
A Sentence Situating Creeley in an Alternative Lineage Norman Weinstein
Pieces of a Night John Olson
Meaning: I Hear You Kyle Schlesinger
Robert Creeley: Serge Gavronsky
Utter Measure Sarah Campbell
to Robert Creeley: Pierre Joris
You Dig: On Robert Creeley's Poetics and the Labor of Questioning Gregg Biglieri
Robert Creeley: There are words... Hank Lazer
to Guy Davenport Bernard Hoepffner